Day in the life of a CouriersPlease franchise owner

What does a typical 'Day in the life' look like for a CouriersPlease franchise owner?

We went on the road with Dom, franchise owner, Cranbourne-West, Victoria, to find out.

CouriersPlease is a franchised courier and parcel delivery service, providing shipping solutions for E-Commerce retailers and traders across the nation.

We spent the day with Dom, franchise owner of the Cranbourne-West territory in Victoria, to get some insights into what it is like to own a CouriersPlease franchise business.

Time Stamps for the Video

0:00 Welcome

0:14 Starting the day in depot

0:39 Onboarding every parcel and scanning to map the day

1:06 Safety 3 point check before departing

1:18 Why Dom invested into the CouriersPlease franchise

1:33 Where Dom worked previously

1:46 What Dom loves about the business and what he does

2:05 More than just picking up and dropping parcels - engaging with customers

2:24 Building Dom's business by adding value to customers

3:10 CouriersPlease does industrial, commercial and residential deliveries with multiple deliveries at one spot

3:30 Day coming to an end, return to depot then home with an empty van

Dom Couriers Please