March 28, 2022
Franchising Expos are back - Melbourne is on this weekend!

It's been a long time coming, but you can come on down to the Melbourne Franchising & Business Opportunities Expo, this weekend 1 - 2 April 22!
Yes it has been a long time coming.
Everyone here in the franchise buyer team really enjoys the Franchising Expos.
We would have 3-4 every year without fail, and we've been to every one since 2011, as it's such an effective environment to do all sorts of things in business.
Whereas we would have had seven (7) franchise expo events since Sept 2019, we've had only one (1).
That was a Sydney event fortunate to have weaved its way into a covid window of opportunity in March 2021.
Investment interest in franchise opportunities is undoubtedly high right now as the economy emerges from 2+ years of uncertainty.
We're seeing a significant spike in traffic and contact, and feel this will also be reflected at live events - perhaps even higher.

Melbourne Franchising & Business Opportunities Expo, Friday 1st April - Saturday 2nd April
The event this weekend starts at 10am on the Friday (1 April 22), running through till close on Saturday 5pm (2 April 22), at the Melbourne Convention & Exhibition Centre.
You can grab your FREE Entry Tickets HERE
Just insert code FMB as the promo code.
The event is featuring;
- Over 100 exhibitors for a variety of industries,
- 20 Free seminars on franchising,
- 'Start Your Own Business' Workshop (fee charged).
Expos play a vital role
Expos have been missed by many. We do lot's filming and the like there to help people understand more about franchising and franchise businesses.
But I know some people are certain in there ability to find out all they need to know about just about anything online, all from the comfort of your own home.
And this even extends to about which business to invest in.
And that is fine, and works for some.
But, there are certainly many others who feel comfort, and get great value by being able to talk to a vast range of different types of people, representing many different types of businesses in an expo environment.
Having these conversations and being exposed to so many brands that people otherwise most likely would never see, means expos play a key role in an effective mix of research and due diligence into investing into a franchise or business.
Leading the bounce-back
I believe we will see a strong bounce-back in attendance and engagement at these events as we push into the future.
And this will be reflection of market sentiment being strong for more control of your own destiny in your business.
So, if you find yourself in 'consideration mode' about your future, you can do a lot less constructive things with your time, than coming on down to an expo near you.
Maybe we'll see you this weekend!
Come up and say hi at Stand 39 - 41 in Melbourne if you're about...