October 04, 2019
Messy Bubs - the business bringing families together
Two years ago, Natalie Hinchliffe was a mum of three boys, working full time and searching for what so many of us search for... the quest to have it all. Career, family, balance.

Something had to change
Working full time as a Team Leader in the corporate world and away from her home in the UK, the hours were long, Natalie missed her children (and their milestones) and the costs of child care and after school care were piling high. Something had to change.
Being a family on the go, Natalie and her family were always outdoors seeking adventure. Playing barefoot in the mud, using their imaginations. "This was essentially something I wanted to spend time doing more of and capturing this innocent creative play."
This started playing on her mind more and more, and explained that, "Families never get to spend much quality time with their children anymore. Quality time where they can just let go, be creative and messy and not get stressed about it. Allowing children to be children and explore without the fear of being told off or that they're in the wrong."
As a result, in 2017 Messy Bubs was born.
Messy Bubs embraces multi-sensory play
Messy Bubs is a multi-sensory provider for play based activities and open ended play programs. They create an environment for babies, toddlers, children and their loved ones to spend unique, creative and quality time together. The programs are designed to help families delve deep into their imaginations and work on developmental milestones. And, it's fun with all senses being engaged and the more mess, the better!
The most important role of Messy Bubs? "We bring the parent or carer of the child together to have a relaxing, creative and quality time together".
Messy Bubs embraces sensory play and outdoor life. Natalie wanted to create a playgroup that "Introduced new smells, tastes and textures to children and watch them either laugh with joy and delight, or grimace with confidence".
Not only has Natalie found her own work/family balance, but with Messy Bubs she's striving to help other parents and carers find theirs, by providing an environment for them to spend quality and fun time with their children.
You can find out more about the Messy Bubs franchise business opportunity HERE