May 13, 2019
What is the right amount of Vegemite?
What is the right amount of Vegemite on morning toast?

When an online customer review went viral and sparked a national debate, Soul Origin stepped in to the fray...
To find out more on how Aussies enjoy the spread, Soul Origin offered a free slice of Vegemite toast with every coffee purchase on 3 April.
Australians are seemingly divided on the subject of vegemite, with some having strong opinions about the amount, whether or not the butter goes first and whether it’s ok to mix in other toppings such as avocado.
‘There’s nothing more Australian than vegemite on toast, but it’s no secret that everyone has their own personal way of enjoying this national delicacy. ‘ Soul Origin CEO Chris Mavris said.
Good for you, Soul Origin - let’s hope some conclusive results are available soon!