December 26, 2016
What’s your marketing strategy?
Xpresso Mobile Café’s new mobile app and food menu

Xpresso Mobile Café is at the forefront of connecting with their customers using innovative and interactive technologies. “We recognise that communication is one of the key features of how we connect with our customers. We know business is all about people and our customers and we want to be able to talk to each other and build those micro-relationships”, shares Xpresso Mobile Cafés Managing Director, Jonathan Payne.
The app
The smartest and quickest way to create long-lasting relationships with customers has been through Xpresso’s smartphone app, which now has social media and loyalty program features, all the essentials to running a successful Xpresso business. “What this new app can do which previous incarnations couldn’t, is support pre-ordering and pre-paid coffee”, says Jonathan. “This app allows our customers to connect and have a two-way conversation with the franchisee. The most successful franchisees are the ones that harness this technology to build their database but also increase the average spend per customer by promoting their specials of the day or week”
The menu
Xpresso Mobile Café is also leading the way with its new niche food products, a perfect to addition to that 3pm caffeine pick-me-up. “Traditionally our franchisee’s would access food such as fresh sandwiches and muffins from a local supplier”, explains Jonathan. “This is because we encourage our franchisees to become heavily involved in their community”. Head office is also providing franchisees individually wrapped high-quality items with a longer shelf life like cookies and protein balls. “Foremost, this decision was made because we want to help our franchisees build a successful business”, says Jonathan. But it also provides some consistency across the brand and allows us to differentiate ourselves from other coffee providers”.
Marketing strategies
This coffee franchise’s growth is attributed to the brands focus on marketing strategies and technology. “Social media always ties into everything we do, at a local and head office level”, explains Jonathan. “Our franchisees control their own Facebook accounts and they are able to leverage and benefit from our national account which markets them as a whole”. However, Xpresso Mobile café proudly remains a face-to-face business. “It’s about buying into the personality of the operator”, explains Jonathan. “This is why we are careful about who we bring into our business and once we do we help them introduce themselves to their community, local schools and businesses”.