Working together to achieve continuous growth

By the year 2020, Fifo Capital aims to have positively impacted the lives of more than 5000 small to medium enterprise owners by providing effective cash flow solutions.

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That’s no easy feat, but, Fifo Capital Franchise Expansion Manager, Andrew Roberts thinks it’s “important to have a big vision”.

A tiered approach

The organisation has a three-tiered approach to ensure they reach this vision: expand their annual calendar of training events; create a business partner forum to manage issues, ideas, and products; and drive the growth of their referral system.

“Our business is built on referrals, so building and developing relationships with trusted business advisers is a must”, explains Andrew. “It’s important our partners stay motivated throughout the whole process”. The addition of quarterly face-to-face training in each state and fortnightly webinars to their training suite are designed to “help business partners be more effective in their day-to-day operations so they aren’t wasting time on ineffective strategies”, says Andrew.

Business partner forums will include a representative from each state and meet four times a year with the task of enhancing the overall growth of the business. “The forum will be a direct communication channel between the partners on the ground and the head office”, explains Andrew. “We’ve realised we’ve got an incredible group of business partners with a wide variety of backgrounds, knowledge and skills. We want to harness this and we feel our forum will be the best vehicle for that”.

Increasing their reach

While Fifo Capital’s network is currently 50-partners strong, the franchise is planning on building their networking particularly in Melbourne and Sydney and the major regional hubs. “In the areas where we have higher representation like Brisbane and Perth, we also have greater brand recognition”, says Andrew. “We want to increase our reach because the more people we have out there advocating for our brand the more business there is for everyone. We’re working together as a team to fill in those gaps”.

Like all franchises, Fifo Capital has had its share of growing pains and challenges. “We are now at a point where we are through the majority of those challenges”, shares Andrew. “Our company is at the mature stage and that’s why we are putting strategies in place that are going to take Fifo Capital to the next level.”