2 Minute Test for Entrepreneurs: Are You Hungry Enough?
I’ve met a lot of really successful entrepreneurs. I’ve noticed that one trait they all share is a great hunger to create more, achieve more and get better...
But as you become more successful, hunger can give way to comfort, satisfaction and a slow and almost imperceptible lowering of standards.Results then decline in alignment with mental softening.
That’s why it makes sense to regularly put your hunger for excellence to the test. Let’s do this now.
Take 2 minutes to answer these questions and see how hungry for entrepreneurial excellence you currently are…
1. Are you emotionally excited about your business?
2. Are you always checking on what competitors are doing?
3. Do you think about your business at night, when driving and in the shower?
4. Are your goals for your company huge?
5. Do you constantly push your staff to get things done better and faster?
6. Do you eagerly study business courses and books?
7. Do people marvel about your passion for your business?
8. Do you have business heroes that you follow and learn from?
9. Do you get to work early?
10. Do you have a list of improvements you are itching to make to your company?
11. Are you constantly dissatisfied with your company’s performance versus it’s potential?
Now look at your results.
If you can’t answer Yes to at least 70% of these questions, I’ve got bad news for you: you ain’t hungry enough to make your business a super success. The good news is that hunger can be cultivated – it’s a choice, you can will yourself to be inspired about your company.
And many have done so. Make the commitment today to massively increase your hunger for entrepreneurial greatness. When you do you won’t just become a whole lot richer, you’ll become vastly happier too.