Looking to go regional?
If you’re ready for a tree-change or sea-change, Snap Franchising and James’ Home Services share their guide to a regional relocation.
What support do you offer to franchisee’s?
Caron -- Snap Franchising have always been very supportive in assisting with various projects from helping with local advertising needs to covering costs to travel to meetings and events. Regional stores may not have the same turnover as the city stores but all stores are treated fairly and equally. We have online and phone support so it’s not an issue where the store is based.
Mike -- James’ Home Services has a well-established system for all of its franchisees across the nation. Every franchisee has one-on-one business coaching and this encompasses everything from administration, travel time to jobs and marketing - it is a full analysis of how they operate their business. For example, we have a regional franchisor in regional north Queensland. He is based in Cairns and he has 30 franchisees including ones in the Atherton Tablelands and Innisfail. He makes it his business to regularly call and visit every single one of those franchisees.
What considerations do people need to make?
Caron -- If relocating to Regional from a larger city environment, the main change is the customer base, Regional business are more inclined to be smaller based companies and family operated businesses, also sponsorship is a very big part of the advertising budget.
Mike -- The first thing is about choosing the right service for the individual. What’s right for me? Do I want to work inside as a cleaner, or do I prefer to work outside and garden or groom pets? The unique thing about James’ Home Services is that we sit down with you to make sure you are choosing the right service for you. Then we of course look at what is needed in your local area. It is all supply and demand and the demographics of the area.
How do you continually develop franchisee’s?
Caron -- Having a dedicated Area Manger that visit the store regularly and provides phone support at any time. The online resources have made marketing products now very simple to produce. Also, the phone support for IT is very easy to solve issues instantly. The Speak Easy meetings have also been very valuable to touch base with other Franchise owners and enable owners to share similar issues
and developments.
Mike -- It is the regional franchisor’s role to continually develop and train the franchisees in remote and regional areas. They bring the
information from our head office back to the regions so that all franchisees are kept fully up to date. Furthermore, we support them with a substantial marketing campaign to get them started and this is ongoing while they have the franchise.