How To Never Sell On Price Again - & How To Collect Valuable Data Easily.
Our “Incentive Based” Customer Attraction Concepts Have Doubled & Tripled Sales For Aussie Businesses.

What We Do
Provide businesses with “wow factor” direct response concepts
Create “reward/loyalty” programs that “pop”
Show businesses how to use “value-add” tactics to build revenue
Devise strategies for businesses to provide “extraordinary customer experiences” (Disney style)
Give businesses marketing concepts that stimulate “repetitive trade”.
About Us
We provide businesses with quick increases through “way outside-the-box” customer attraction marketing concepts.
What we bring to the franchise sector
Innovative customer attraction & retention ideas, both online & offline – concepts that allow businesses to stop relying on price-discounts.
We can help you with
Identifying your most profitable customers & then finding more people who look like them – through creative direct-response marketing initiatives.
How long serving franchise sector clients
Have been involved with helping various franchise groups for over 25 years.
Key experience in the franchise sector
Principal of The Institute Of Wow, John Dwyer, has been assisting various franchisors & franchisees for decades. His direct-response concepts have been used by the likes of KFC, 7 Eleven, Donut King, Pizza Hut, Tile Rescue & others – the objective always being to enjoy a FAST INCREASE in revenue & a long-term benefit of creating “loyal” customers.
Located in
Gold Coast, Queensland
Key Offerings
Direct-Response Marketing Concepts
We can provide completely “packaged” customer-attraction marketing concepts designed to quickly lift revenue.
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