March 20, 2023
The 10 biggest pizza franchises in the Australian market
Investing in a pizza franchise, is without doubt one of the most popular categories in franchising in Australia.
So, how does the leader board look by store numbers in 2023?

It's often easy to find pizza franchise information on a high profile brand like Domino's for example, that is so openly leading the market, and is publicly listed.
However, finding out who's who amongst those pizza franchises below the top tier in network size, can be a challenge. Understanding the landscape of competition in the pizza franchise market is essential, if you are considering investing in one.
We created this list to help make your research and decision making process easier. We'll update as the market changes, and as we get more information for you.
Pizza Franchise brand movements up and down the list for 2023!
There are a total of 1,284 franchise pizza locations that make up this list. 1,017 of these locations are just two brands, Domino’s and Pizza Hut.
The pizza category could be reasonably considered to have had a period across the restricted pandemic period that provided opportunity for growth with the food delivery model established in that business before the pandemic.
However, it is clear that the period also accelerated the adoption of food delivery of basically every other food offer in the market, which has had to have some impact on the category inviting competition.
The biggest movers up and down the list for 2023
Domino’s growth continued
The Domino’s brand has added 53 units in the Australian market since our previous list in September 2020. The scale of the business no doubt gave it a strength to lean on during the challenging circumstances of the 2020-22 period. Coupled with an organic substantial increase in delivery demand, meant the brand entered the period in a strong position.
Getting to a 700+ unit size in the Australian market, it is not unexpected to see a slower rate of growth as the task becomes one of filling in the remaining gaps essentially.
The Pizza Hut 're-emergence'
The numbers at a glance don’t tell the whole story in the top of the table in the list with these two brands. After years of turmoil surrounding much of the efforts to combat the dominance of the Domino’s brand, the Pizza Hut brand is fast-emerging as a serious competitor again.
Spearheaded by turn- around specialist Phil Reed, CEO Pizza Hut Australia, the brand has undergone what it describes itself as a ‘full transformation’.
After years of turmoil, internally the brand would have had to take some time to re-tool for franchise unit growth. I would expect to see some significant store number growth from the brand over the course of the next 1 - 2 years well beyond the 16 additional stores added since our previous list.
Pizza Capers drops significantly
Unfortunately, the Pizza Capers brand has continued to decline. With the brand owners RFG also owning Crust Pizza, it does seem from an outside perspective, that attention and resource is shifted to that brand.
With a real South East Queensland concentration of locations, this fact is one that seemingly could be leveraged in a steady brand revitalization if that was to occur.
1. Dominos - 747 locations (March 2023) (AU)
Compared to 694 as at Sept 2020
UP 53 locations (previously in 1st place)
The Australian Domino's master franchisor also holds the rights and operates the brand in international markets through Asia, and European countries with 2,600+ total locations. With franchise owners in the group currently averaging 2.2 stores, growth through internal candidates features prominently.
Additional insights in March 2023
The brand took quite a bold direction a couple of years ago when it came to expansion. It launched its ‘fortressing strategy’, which we wrote about at the time.
The strategy put more stores within a tighter radius, shrinking delivery times by getting stores closer to more customers.
The franchise sales marketing has been all about building your ‘Pizza Empire’ focus for some time. With attention on individuals, often young entrepreneurial people, having multiple stores, even into double-digits.
This strategy makes sense when the plan is to have many more stores closer together than would have been the case previously - if you own all the close stores, cannibalisation of your own sales is not the issue.
I hadn’t noticed this before in their franchisee requirements - not sure if it is new;
“To see whether the Domino’s franchise owner lifestyle is for you we require you to work in store for a period of 3 months on a part time basis before taking on your first Domino’s store.”
A good amount of information on the website about becoming a franchise owner. It can be a little hard to tell, but it did appear from Domino's own website that 22 existing locations were currently for sale, which I’d consider low out of a network of 747 locations. Some of these could have also been new locations available being listed as well.
The brand pumps out a lot of content in social and many other brands in the space could take some guidance and inspiration in what they’re doing there in building brand and engaging with their community.
- CEO = Don Meij (DPE Group) / David Burness, CEO Australia / NZ
- Headquarters located = Hamilton, QLD
- Franchising Since = 1983
- Investment = $450k - $600k
- Initial Franchise fee = $60k
- Ongoing Fees = 6% marketing fee & 7% royalties
- Training = 12 weeks
Social Media Presence
(First number is Sept 2020, second number is March 2023)
- facebook = 1,138,301 followers |1.1m followers
- Instagram = 101k followers | 115k followers
- Twitter = 36.9k followers | 36k followers
- LinkedIn = 19,878 followers |32k followers
- TikTok = 422k followers
2. Pizza Hut - 270 locations (March 2023)
Compared to 254 as at Sept 2020
UP 16 locations (previously in 2nd place)
The master franchisee licence for the brand was purchased by Allegro private equity from Yum! Brands in late 2016. It has also purchased the remaining Eagle Boys locations (127) in 2016. By appearances, the brand has slowed new franchise development with the brand withdrawn as a corporate presence from the vast majority of recognised franchise growth platforms.
Additional insights in March 2023
To Phil Reed, CEO Pizza Hut Australia, who has been high-profiled across the franchise sector since taking the role, it is all about a focus on customers and customer experience. And that focus has been playing out in a result like 49 consecutive months of same store sales growth.
Additionally, Phil Reed has been constantly quoted as saying that the brand ‘Will return to #1 in the Australian market.’, with a reference to growing the store count to 500 stores by 2025.
The brand franchise sales pages and information are vastly more detailed than I recall they were back when completing the previous list in 2020. This makes sense, as the transformation of the brand, as it is so often described by the team, had numerous pieces of the puzzle to be refined to re-launch the offer.
The Pizza Hut franchise opportunity story looks a good one as far as its recent record of growth and success is concerned, and is one to watch closely.
- CEO = Phil Reed
- Headquarters located = Sydney, NSW
- Franchising Since = 1970 (entered Australia)
- Investment = from $300k
- Initial Franchise fee = Varies
- Ongoing Fees = 5.5% marketing fee & 6% royalties
- Training = 8 weeks
Social Media Presence
(First number is Sept 2020, second number is March 2023)
- facebook = 32,042,390 followers (global) |32m (Global) followers
- Instagram = 11.9k followers | 19.8k followers
- Twitter = 4,461 followers | 5k followers
- LinkedIn = 772 followers |2,421 followers
- TikTok = 381k followers
3. Crust Pizza - 136 locations (March 2023)
Compared to 141 as at Sept 2020
UP 5 locations (previously in 3rd place)
The Crust brand is owned by Retail Food Group (RFG), which is also the owner of; Donut King, Gloria Jeans, Pizza Capers, Brumby's Bakery, Michel's Patisserie, Cafe2U, and The Coffee Guy. The brand was purchased by the group in 2012 with 119 locations, the same year it also purchased Pizza Capers with 110 locations at the time.
The distinction between the gourmet pizza brands, as compared to the rest of the market was often spoken of. Their journey's however, have not been similar, with Crust far-outstripping the performance of the Pizza Capers brand.
RFG have stated for FY 21, a focus to "Shift brand proposition to ‘premium quality pizza at affordable pricing".
Additional insights in March 2023
Crust Pizza is a member of the Retail Food Group (RFG), multi-brand owner. They also own Pizza Capers.
The franchise information pages are very similar to those of many of the other brands in the RFG stable like Gloria Jeans, Cafe2U and so on. There is not a lot of information there, but enough to give you an idea of what is involved. I like the reference to giving valuable time back to franchise partners by having payroll, HR and rostering ‘at your fingertips’. I’m assuming a solution is provided for that.
What I struggle to understand with many brands, not just in looking at the franchise sales collateral of Crust Pizza, is the lack of real people and their stories in the business. Actual people who have bought and operate the businesses. I have no-doubt there would be some great stories amongst all. The page refers to them ‘being not just a franchise, but a family.’.
Don’t get me wrong, I love that sentiment, culture and feeling.
But, that also needs to be demonstrated, not just said in a statement. And the spot where you are asking for people to register an enquiry about becoming part of that ‘family’ is the perfect spot to be putting stories showing that…
They occupy a good position in the market in my view, as that premium pizza space is one that the larger brands can try to cover (sort of), but as they also undeniably punching out volume, it doesn’t really gel. Crust Pizza knows exactly what they are and that’s a good thing.
We’ve also only just seen in March 2023, Hell Pizza, who have 77 stores in the NZ market, launch in Australia in that premium pizza space. So, it will be interesting to see if the brand is resourced, capable and prepared to grow at a place in the Australian market - we’ll know our answer to how that’s truly looking in a couple of years!
- Headquarters located = Southport, QLD
- Franchising Since = 2001
- Investment = from $375k
- Initial Franchise fee = $50k
- Ongoing Fees = 3.5% marketing fee & 7.5% royalties
- Training = 8 weeks
Social Media Presence
(First number is Sept 2020, second number is March 2023)
- facebook = 60,317 followers |64k followers
- Instagram = 6,221 followers | 12k followers
- Twitter = 11.4k followers | 10.6k followers
- LinkedIn = 554 followers |810 followers
- TikTok = 513 followers (private page)
4. La Porchetta - 42 locations (AU) (March 2023)
Compared to 35 as at Sept 2020
UP 7 locations (previously in 4th place)
La Porchetta, with a pizza and pasta focused menu, is especially prominent in the Victorian market where it commenced, with 32 locations, another 3 locations in Queensland, as well as 4 locations in the New Zealand market. The brand is positioned around the concept of the traditional Italian family, with food around the table being central to that.
Additional insights in March 2023
A steady and strong growth result from La Porchetta across the period in context to the size of the network. Having the established pizza and pasta combination I feel would have been an advantage during the meal delivery focus of the recent period.
There is not a lot of information on their franchise information pages about becoming a franchise owner. One video that is there is around 7 years old.
We counted 44 available new locations and 8 existing ones for sale on the website.
- CEO = Bruno Ceraso (interim)
- Headquarters located = Carlton, VIC
- Franchising Since = 1990
- Investment = from $600k
- Initial Franchise fee = Included in investment
- Ongoing Fees = Flat fee system (not a % of sales)
- Training = 6 weeks
Social Media Presence
(First number is Sept 2020, second number is March 2023)
- facebook = 33,569 followers |33.8k followers
- Instagram = 2,327 followers | 2.6k followers
- Twitter = 11 followers | 14 followers
- LinkedIn = 1,430 followers | 1,524 followers
- TikTok = 25 followers
5. Pizza Capers - 23 locations (AU) (March 2023)
Compared to 32 as at Sept 2020
DOWN 9 locations (previously in 5th place)
Owned by Retail Food Group (RFG), the brand also has Crust Gourmet Pizza Bar within the group. It was bought by RFG in 2012 with 110 locations, and is now reduced to 32 locations in Australia. More recently, the brand appeared to have attempted international licensing with seemingly mixed results.
RFG have stated for FY 21, a focus to "Shift brand proposition to ‘premium quality pizza at affordable pricing".
Additional insights in March 2023
The Pizza Capers brand is in a challenging position.
I’m only looking in from the outside, but it feels like a brand waiting for something to happen. Something to happen to it, or someone to make something happen.
The strong SEQ focus of the brand does give it a geographical concentration advantage with which to use as a foundational platform to move forward. It’s in that premium pizza space again like its Crust Pizza sister brand, which is good, but two into one was always going to be a challenge.
- Headquarters located = Southport, QLD
- Franchising Since = 1996
- Investment = from $375-$450k
- Initial Franchise fee = Included in investment
- Ongoing Fees = 6.5% marketing fee & 6% service fee
- Training = 8-12 weeks
Social Media Presence
(First number is Sept 2020, second number is March 2023)
- facebook = 88,051 followers |85k followers
- Instagram = 1,505 followers | 1.7k followers
- Twitter = 14 followers | N/A
- LinkedIn = 252 followers |308 followers
- TikTok = N/A
6. Bubba Pizza - 22 locations (March 2023)
Compared to 23 as at Sept 2020
DOWN 1 location (previously in 6th place)
A Melbourne grown business that has been quietly growing in that corner of the country and into SA. Positioning itself as a family-run franchise, it is demonstrating some innovative digital strategies, and actively adopting a 'we're not like other pizza franchises' type of demeanour in it's pitch to would-be investors.
Additional insights in March 2023
Bubba Pizza presents as a personalised business with a story. Working to leverage a positioning of not going with a larger corporate franchise, but with an Australian-owned, local fast food brand with personality.
They say the clearest point of difference between them and other franchises are there low set-up costs, and their fixed fee royalties. In fact in their FAQ’s they say that your fees are ‘flat rate negotiated in your agreement.’.
Interesting, I haven’t seen much of this previously where they have a ‘Fully managed option for a prospective franchise owner.’
Currently have 2 existing operating store opportunities, and 9 new locations available through VIC and SA.
- CEO = Roger Hopper (MD)
- Headquarters located = Melbourne, VIC
- Franchising Since = 2006
- Investment = from $170k - $500k
- Initial Franchise fee = $35k
- Ongoing Fees = Flat fee royalty negotiated / flat rate marketing fee
- Training = 4 weeks
Social Media Presence
(First number is Sept 2020, second number is March 2023)
- facebook = 9,251 followers |9.2k followers
- Instagram = 2,032 followers | 2k followers
- Twitter = 49 followers | 43 followers
- LinkedIn = Nil | N/A
- TikTok = 8 followers
7. Manoosh Pizza - 14 locations (March 2023)
Compared to 6 as at Sept 2020
UP 8 locations (previously in 9th place)
Inspired by the Lebanese heritage of Sydney, and founded on the traditional foods of Lebanon, the brand presents a unique take on the pizza concept. All locations are currently in Sydney suburbs.
Of note, with a strong technology focus to underpin the business, with it's own loyalty program, the business is not relying on third party ordering platforms.
Additional insights in March 2023
An outstanding growth result across the period going from 6 to 14 locations. The brand is currently expanding and says it is looking for franchise owners nationwide.
Good unique positioning “To make great Lebanese food accessible to all Australians” which is a nice point of difference in the market.
Not a great deal of information on the franchise website, with fairly broad statements about the opportunity.
- CEO = Charlie Hoyek
- Headquarters located = Sydney, NSW
- Franchising Since = 2018
- Investment = from $250k-$500k
- Initial Franchise fee = Included in initial investment
- Ongoing Fees = TBA royalty fee / TBA total marketing fee
- Training = 12 weeks
Social Media Presence
(First number is Sept 2020, second number is March 2023)
- facebook = 8,020 followers |10.3k followers
- Instagram = N/A | 11.3k followers
- Twitter = 113 followers | 113 followers
- LinkedIn = 37 followers |86 followers
- TikTok = 646 followers
8. Pizza Inn - 11 locations (March 2023)
Compared to 12 as at Sept 2020
DOWN 1 location (previously in 7th place)
A traditional Italian pizzeria type of restaurant business located in Sydney and the Central Coast, NSW. A key part to the growth strategy appears to be presenting the opportunity for existing owner operators of similar businesses to convert to the Pizza Inn restaurant system. This conversion strategy is in addition to new locations for expansion.
Additional insights in March 2023
Currently on the Pizza Inn website in relation to franchising, it refers to a pay as you go system for marketing and advertising. It also says that the brand is moving to a marketing fee / levy system (which is normal). This is essential to grow a larger network.
The menu also appears to have widened beyond pizza and pasta.
Much of the information on the franchising page is quite general. I have not come across on an initial franchise enquiry page before, a brand stating that a $5,000 admin fee is charged to people who terminate their application during the cooling off period.
- Headquarters located = Sydney, NSW
- Franchising Since = 1985 business commenced
- Investment = Varies depending on location
- Initial Franchise fee = $25k
- Ongoing Fees = 2% marketing fee & 5% royalties
- Training = Hands-on training
Social Media Presence
No clear organised central social presence. Appears maintained at individual location level.
9. Town & Country Pizza & Pasta - 11 locations (March 2023)
Compared to 11 as at Sept 2020
EVEN 0 locations (previously in 8th place)
Another of the family-owned pizza chains coming out of the Victorian market. A growing presence through regional Victoria, the brand is another with the broader menu approach of pizza and pasta dishes.
Additional insights in March 2023
There is not a lot of information about getting involved with the brand at a franchising level.
I did notice that in the brief description that was there, in the process you are placed in a store for an 8 week training program broken into 4 operational parts assuming no industry experience. This is followed by 2 weeks further on-site operational team support upon opening.
That’s a strong training time frame commitment by the brand.
One of the locations listed is an online only ordering store.
- CEO = Joe Rossi (MD)
- Headquarters located = Geelong, VIC
- Franchising Since = 1989 (commenced trading)
- Investment = from $200k - $300k
- Initial Franchise fee = $30k
- Ongoing Fees = 1% marketing fee & 6% royalties
- Training = 4 weeks
Social Media Presence
(First number is Sept 2020, second number is March 2023)
- facebook = 8,023 followers | 9.1k followers
- Instagram = 618 followers | 939 followers
- Twitter = 74 followers | 69 followers
- LinkedIn = 49 followers | 99 followers
- TikTok = N/A
10. Rozzi's Fresh Kitchen - 6 locations (March 2023)
Compared to 6 as at Sept 2020
EVEN 0 locations (previously in equal 9th place)
An Italian inspired, casual dining offer with flexible location parameters including shopping centres, shopping strips, airports, hotels and universities. The business' expansion strategy is aiming to partner with experienced food and beverage business operators who have experience previously managing multi-site locations. This is in addition to less-experienced, single location franchise partners.
Additional insights in March 2023
Really nice looking website overall from the brand on the consumer and franchising side.
Quite a lot of detail on the process, and arguably the most detail on the process and what it looks like. Like many brands in this list and others, it just lacks the real people component to this information of case studies, examples, stories and so on.
I think every brand should have those, but I think Rozzi’s would benefit enormously from it, considering how great the web assets already are, as some of the site content is a little dated on ‘newest’ stores.
- Headquarters located = Carneige, VIC
- Franchising Since = 2011
- Investment = from $350k
- Initial Franchise fee = $30k
- Ongoing Fees = 8% royalty fee
- Training = 2-4 weeks
Social Media Presence
(First number is Sept 2020, second number is March 2023)
- facebook = 1,341 followers | 1.3k followers
- Instagram = 700 followers | 723 followers
- Twitter = 127 followers |124 followers
- LinkedIn = 145 | 199 followers
- TikTok = N/A
11. Marie's Pizza - 6 locations (March 2023)
Compared to 6 as at Sept 2020
EVEN 0 locations (previously in equal 9th place)
Gold Coast based and operating since 1981, it is another proudly family-owned pizza business, and positions itself as such. A broad menu offer of pizza, wings, salads and desserts. It is renowned for its 'piled-high' pizzas, the brand is openly stating that it is ready to grow again, and does have a point of difference, and cult-like following in it's piled-high pizza concept.
Additional insights in March 2023
We have left the all Gold Coast locations brand in for this list, however we don’t see a franchise offer at all any longer from the brand. The ‘About Us’ section of the website talks of growth plans and expansion, but there is no detail.
- CEO = Kate Biglands
- Headquarters located = Gold Coast, QLD
- Franchising Since = 1981 (commenced trading)
- Investment = from $250k
- Initial Franchise fee = $30k
- Ongoing Fees = 6% marketing fee & 6% royalties
- Training = 6 weeks
Social Media Presence
(First number is Sept 2020, second number is March 2023)
- facebook = 4,704 followers | 4.8k followers
- Instagram = 552 followers | 682 followers
- Twitter = N/A
- LinkedIn = N/A
- TikTok = N/A
Note: And of course, please contact the brands direct for the most up to date information, as while we've done our best to be as accurate as possible, we know some of this information can be a moving target at times unfortunately!
A Video Summary of 2020 List