May 12, 2020
'Our franchise network is trading well through COVID-19 but we’re afraid to talk about it.'

You are not on your own if you have been worried about saying your franchise network is trading well.
You are quite fortunate if this is a worry for you.
I speak to a lot of different people across the franchise sector on a daily basis. I check in, we chat, and we talk all sorts of things about the current marketplace and where it may be headed.
I’ve noticed a trend in these discussions over the last couple of weeks.
Many franchise executives in the situation, are wary to talk publicly about how well their network is performing. They tell me in a private chat, and off-the-record, about the sales tracking of their network, but they don’t want to release much, if any, information around that.
What is the rationale for this?
The issue in each case, has been that a handful of franchise partners within the groups are not doing well, and the brands have been uncertain about how those franchisees will react to such public success news.
It’s a challenge, as at the same time, I’m suggesting that if you are doing well, to make sure you tell the market. We all need some positive news right now, and it’s a reward for all the hard work of your entire franchise brand in head office, out in the field, and franchise partners.
Positive news on the overall business network can also have a flow through momentum impact at the customer face as well. The customer sees a ‘successful’ business trading through the crisis, then the rationale is that they must be doing all of the basics well - giving them increased confidence to patronise your offer. They’ll also follow the herd so to speak, as they see other people with confidence to use your service, whatever that may be.
Confidence in its many forms is absolutely crucial going forward.

A suggested approach
It is sensitive I know, but there has to be a comfortable medium for this.
From a franchise network performance perspective, if things are going well broadly, it is not surprising that you also have pockets that aren’t. This should not prevent you from talking about your overall resilience or success during this time.
I use the word success, but there is no doubt that many are not as comfortable with this term, and are preferring to use the word ‘resilient’.
I’d suggest a basic approach framed with one or more of the following;
- Referencing the resilience or success as an entire network story,
- Tell stories of individual franchise partners doing well with specifics of why in their particular circumstances,
- Tell stories of how head office or field staff are helping in doing what they do. Maybe profiles of what they have individually been up to,
- The initiatives and support you are undertaking for the entire network,
- The more specific initiatives and support you are undertaking for those who need more help,
- Make sure those who need more help know that they are getting ‘more’ help than others who don’t need as much,
- The consumer, franchise partner and employees safe to trade initiatives explicitly that are relevant to your trading, (for example, Domino’s is constantly leading with ‘contactless delivery’ in marketing).
These are very important times to support your entire network.
And if things are going well, it is also an opportunity to use it carefully as a springboard, to help your entire business grow out of this crisis.