September 06, 2023
Ep12 The Coochie HydroGreen Franchise Business Model with Ania Sienko, CEO & Grace Lindsey
Episode #12
The Coochie HydroGreen Franchise Business Model with Ania Sienko, CEO and Grace Lindsey, Franchise & Marketing Mgr.
An interesting service offer to the market that incorrectly could be seen at just a fleeting glance as being something around gardening or lawn mowing - which it is neither.

In Episode #12 - Coochie HydroGreen franchises offer a lawn care program generating lush green lawns nationwide.
Using a '6 in 1' program of nutrients sprayed into the lawn, franchise owners are on bi-monthly visit cycles to customers to treat there lawns.
The chat with Ania and Grace centred on some key aspects to the business;
- The scalability of the business with many franchise owners having more than one territory - one even having 13 territories,
- High profitability of the business and what that looks like in real terms,
- The strength and resilience of the business and how it operates successfully across all business cycles in the market, and in particular how it performed during the covid period,
- Support within the system for franchise owners be it technical horticultural based or in business and marketing,
- The flexible nature of the business given customers are on a subscription model and jobs are scheduled bi-monthly with this, on top of the fact that the brand has a unique approach with programmed 4 weeks annual holiday for franchise owners part of it.
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