November 27, 2023
Ep22 Ashley Gulwell, Coochie Hydrogreen, Gladstone - franchise owner journey
From butcher to mining hydroblaster to lawn care - the diverse careers of Ash Gulwell!
Ash is now 3 years into his journey of owning a Coochie Hydrogreen franchise region in Gladstone, QLD, with out of the ordinary levels of growth, but his career started very early and in a very different environment.

In Episode#22 - Starting out as a 14 year old running down after school in the afternoons to work in the local butchers, and then again for a few hours on Saturday mornings, Ash got to work hard and pretty early in life.
An apprentice since leaving school at the end of year 11, Ash ended up managing stores and in retail all up for 15 years. It was one of his apprentices who suggested working in and around the mining industry, which prompted him to check it out in Gladstone.
8 years later, after working in hydroblasting in a refinery, and moving into managing teams in that environment, Ash knew he wanted to get a bit of balance and control of his path back into his life.
A look around at the business market with a broker saw Coochie Hydrogreen put in front of him - a business he knew nothing about.
After a call into Head Office to talk about the business, he didn't realise he was speaking to and firing questions about the franchise to the CEO!
Impressed with what he heard, and his subsequent research, Ash finds himself 3 years later in a business and region that is growing as he adds additional vehicles to keep up with demand and opportunities.
Podcast Produced by: magnetic business media
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Time Stamps
:35 Describing what Coochie does.
1:54 Starting as a 14 year old with a part-time job in a local butcher shop, eventually onto an apprenticeship.
4:40 After 15 years Ash was enticed to the mining industry in Gladstone, as a hydroblaster at a refinery in the mining industry, eventually leading a team there.
7:10 Wanted to find something in his own small business after 8 years in the mines, to get that personal satisfaction and balance back into what he was doing.
8:36 How he found Coochie Hydrogreen and went through selecting the best fit for him.
9:36 Coochie sounded too good to be true initially for Ash.
11:07 His research into the business, and buying process.
12:25 The fears playing in Ash's mind before he started his business, and the hardest things to learn.
13:35 What a normal day looks like in his Coochie Hydrogreen franchise for Ash.
14:26 What Ash puts his success down to in growing his business.
15:57 What new customers really want.
17:06 What are Coochie doing to the lawns? Describing the process.
17:57 What he tells people asking him about buying into the business, and the future of his Gladstone territory.