December 13, 2023
Ep29 Dominic Alleaume, CouriersPlease, Cranbourne West - franchise owner journey
Franchise owner journey: After 17 years in warehousing and logistics that included a redundancy triggered by automation, Dominic decided that he needed a change and to give him and his family the opportunity to earn more than was on the table.

In Episode29 - Seeing the delivery drivers come and go, chatting to them and his uncle who owned a delivery run, he spent a week on the road to test if it was going to be right for him.
21 years later and he is a CouriersPlease veteran!
Running one territory, selling it and moving to a new one with higher growth potential for his plans, Dominic is still on a mission.
:44 A strong logistics, freight and warehousing background with Woolworths and Safeway supermarkets
2:09 After 15 years in warehousing made redundant from Woolworths and what happened with decision making around it.
4:03 Starting a family and wanting a change of life in a different career.
5:04 Thought process in shift to owning his own business with CouriersPlease.
6:34 Going on a trial delivery run for a week with his uncle who owned a CouriersPlease run and going over the pros and cons of the franchise.
8:06 What appealed to Dominic the most about the business - personal relationships with customers.
8:24 With CouriersPlease 21 years and starting as a contractor now to a franchise partner structure since 2012.
10:01 Sold Dandenong territory and bought new run in a different location with more potential, and the process of growing and splitting the territory.
10:50 What Dominic sees as a growth territory in a CouriersPlease business.
12:39 What a CouriersPlease franchise partners day and the future looks like.
14:46 Doing pick ups from customers while doing parcel drops as well.
15:14 The changes coming up with automation in the business to very likely make operating the business a lot easier with less manual handling.
16:28 How Dominic is approaching growing his territory now and previously with employing contractors, splitting runs and selling them.
17:59 Biggest changes seen in 21 years in the business.
19:47 The future for Dominic and what sees for his business.
Podcast Produced by: magnetic business media
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