July 04, 2023
Ep3 Sam Waller, CEO, Stepz Fitness Franchise Business Leader
Sam Waller, CEO Stepz Fitness. Franchise Business leader.
At just 22 years old, it was never in Sam's plan to be franchisor and CEO of a fitness franchise.

Episode#3 - At just the young age of 22, a range of circumstances within the franchise brand that he owned a franchise in, meant that a group of older franchise owners turned to Sam to ask him to try to buy out the founding franchisor and run the whole franchise business in order to take it in the direction it needs to go.
Sam's own circumstances prior to this unknowingly already set him on this path, and shaped his direction.
Enduring a broken back as a teenager in school resulted in Sam becoming obese, and as a result he unfortunately suffered significant bullying in that environment.
Finding himself on a personal journey of a return to health, mental wellness and fitness, saw him discover a passion for being involved in the fitness industry.
This passion was driven by a desire to be able to impact the health and well-being of Australians after his own experience had such a profound impact on his outlook on life.
First as a personal trainer, then as an employee in a company owned gym of Stepz Fitness, a chance conversation he overhead one day while a potential buyer was touring the business, changed his life.
Vowing to get the $500k somehow within a quick space of time to buy the gym he worked in, set him on the course of becoming what he is today...
Podcast Produced by: www.magneticbusinessmedia.com.au
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