February 28, 2024
Ep36 Marcus Gehling, Kwik Kopy Dandenong - franchise owner journey
Franchise owner journey: After taking a redundancy from a commercial banking career after 18 years, Marcus finally wanted something for himself.
Equipped with a Commerce Degree, Marcus took on a 20 year career in corporate banking in business banking and later in varying leadership roles, to now a couple of years into his successful Kwik Kopy franchise.

In Episode#36 - Marcus had a desire for his own business yet a franchise was not necessarily on the cards for him as he had a perception of a lack of control.
A criteria in his search for a business centred around location, turnover, profit and price primarily. After finding an existing Kwik Kopy franchise in an online listing, it just so happened that the business fitted all that criteria.
And thankfully, the fears of a lack of control in a franchise were unfounded according to Marcus!
:36 One career in Marcus' life prior to Kwik Kopy
:51 What it was like getting into the business in the back end of covid March 2022
1:45 Business banking roles straight out of University then into leadership roles following at Macquarie and NAB
2:35 Marcus' initial view of his career while in commercial banking and his take on small business at the time through his roles
4:00 How his business banking experience impacts his approach to his business now including writing his own business plans and cashflow forecasts
5:44 The catalyst for change and getting frustrated in his banking career
6:46 What the redundancy conversation was like and how to approach it
8:37 Jump to another bank for around 18 months and why a conservative response during covid
9:46 Start the search for a business with the desire always there to have his own thing
10:41 The criteria for a business, location, turnover, profit and price - an existing business, not neccessarily a franchise
11:51 Perceptions of franchising when thinking a franchise wasn't for him - thought not enough control
12:35 Other factors in a business search for Marcus
13:21 How Marcus found Kwik Kopy
14:33 Due diligence - How Marcus used his business banking skills for due diligence to assess the franchise
16:31 Speaking with exisiting franchise owners and the feedback Marcus got
17:31 Bought off an owner who had the business for 20 years, with experienced staff all keen to stay
18:20 What the initial and ongoing interactions with Kwik Kopy were like
19:51 What Marcus enjoys most about what he does
20:37 Marcus role he plays on a daily basis in his business
21:45 The performance of the business since taking over the business
22:18 The future for the business
23:11 Secrets of success in a Kwik Kopy
24:14 Wrap up
Podcast Produced by: magnetic business media
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