August 08, 2023
Ep7 The 5 key things that made Stepz Fitness Franchise what it is today, with Sam Waller, CEO
In this episode with Sam, we asked him to focus on a discussion on 5 key inflection points in the business that have been key in making the brand what we see today.

The 5 key things that made Stepz Fitness Franchise what it is today;
- 1min 20secs - 2017 and the moment when Sam took over the business and went from being a franchise owner, to franchisor of the brand at the age of 22.
- 4min 15 secs - The significant change in brand look, style and feel. Sam made the commitment and paid for the full marketing research and study sessions with brand marketing strategists with members to develop a future-proof brand strategy.
- 8min 40 secs - Franchise owner support changes to increase the level of operational support to each in the network. In particular, Sam implemented benchmarking for comparison amongst franchise owners, and he wanted to make the operational manuals more usable into a 'how to' guide, as opposed to just multiple manuals that never get read.
- 13min 20 secs - The transition to a hybrid gym business model given Sam viewed they had missed the opportunity to have scale in location numbers in the network when the 24/7 gym growth surge was happening.
- 16min 25 secs - Building a head office team to support and grow the business, where previously in the early days, Sam was doing much of it himself.
Podcast produced by: magnetic business media
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