July 30, 2016
Fibrenew eyes the Australian market with a ‘local’ driving expansion
A career as an accountant and expert in finding value for his clients, led Dean Carroll to what he calls the “opportunity of a lifetime”, to launch an international success story, Fibrenew, into the Australian market.

Expansion into the Australian market
With an experienced and highly committed new Australian Master Franchisee, Fibrenew has its sights firmly set on expansion in the marketplace. This month the company welcomed Dean Carroll on board to spearhead expansion here. After reporting he had been looking at expansion in Australia for some time, Jesse Johnstone, VP Technology & Marketing, recently announced Dean’s commencement. According to Mr. Johnstone, “The missing component was a well-suited local team to lead that charge. We know we have found an exceptional Australian partner in Dean Carroll and we’re very excited to grow Fibrenew across the country with him."
Fresh from several weeks of intense and thorough training in the global headquarters in Calgary, Canada, Mr Carroll is now on the ground commencing Fibrenew’s expansion in the Australian market. With Technical Manager, Luis Moraga, who joined him in Calgary, they are “…ready to build on the culture of true collaboration and support to achieve the goals and dreams of people who want to get into a proven business, with unrivalled products and services.” Backed by his diverse business experience, from running small to medium sized printing and home improvements type businesses, as well as his accounting and consulting background, he often became “…the most knowledgeable person at board level to connect information to opportunities.”
Growing a good business
This strong pedigree for spotting and growing a good business according to Mr Carroll, was what initially attracted him to Fibrenew after coming across it in an advertisement online. In the lead up to this,he was consulting with varying clients on business acquisitions and valuations, when this opportunity literally jumped out at him.
“After looking closer at the business when I got a bit more information, I could see the business was clearly working in New Zealand, but hadn’t quite had the person to get fully behind it in the Australian market. I also went over to NZ and spent some time with the Master Franchisee there, and I was really impressed – people were happy and successful.”
“This is an amazing business model, that I describe as a win-win-win. A win for our customers here who can repair, not replace, all types of furniture and items now, which of course saves a significant amount of money. A win for anyone wanting to get into a mobile business model like this with products, support and training all in place to help you succeed. And lastly of course, a win for Fibrenew International on the whole as we help grow the brand globally.”
When it comes to the necessary training to run a mobile Fibrenew business, “Everything you need to know in the business – we train you in it!”. New franchise owners also get to absorb themselves in the business and learning all the skills and techniques in a thorough, two-week training course in Calgary, Canada as well. Providing Value to Customers Getting the end-user customer level offer right, according to Mr Carroll, is what is going to set the brand up for success in Australia, just as it has globally before now. The key driver he explains, is simple, in the replacement cost v repair cost equation.
“If you repair a seat in a private jet for example, compared to the replacement cost, the difference is enormous, and this is the real value that we can give to the marketplace - the return on investment(ROI) calculation of replacing compared to repair. This value builds even further (as a Fibrenew franchisee) as we repair across a broad range of industries and item types.
In basic numbers, if you can increase the life of a chair (in a car, hotel, plane etc) from 5years to 10 years, that is a real saving to the business or that individual - a great ROI. You can certainly build a business around providing that sort of value proposition!”
The Fibrenew business
When asked about what excited him most about the Fibrenew business, Mr Carroll goes further, explainingt hat “It’s such a great fit, and the business ticks so many boxes. It has a unique range of products and services unlike anything else in the world that I have seen. I looked at so many other franchises and frankly, they just bored me. This is a new concept for Australia, that has been successful throughout the world - Australia needs this in my view.”
“After experiencing the family-like level of support, training, and desire for me to succeed, I believe in this business so much and can’t wait to work closely with our local and international team to grow the business into a global powerhouse for the Fibrenew brand. I am in this 100%, and live and breath growing this business in Australia.”