May 14, 2020
How one facebook group post took Marvin from a COVID-low, 20 to 200+ coffees a day

It is fantastic hearing stories of how business owners across the country have adapted to keep trading successfully during the crisis. As business owners looking for inspiration, we need to see examples of people nailing it.
With all the challenges we’re facing, as always, the key is in how we react and take action.
Marvin is the franchise owner of Xpresso Mobile Cafe, Gosford / Central Coast, NSW.
Originally from an IT sales background, a desire for a change of pace to enjoy the Central Coast lifestyle, led him to investing in a mobile coffee business to work and grow in his own territory close to home.
Jonathan Payne, the co-founder of Xpresso Mobile Cafe, describes Marvin as having “...the skills of a born salesman, with an engaging and positive disposition. So, he’s really landed on his feet in our business - which is all about people.”
“He’s been really dynamic in thinking outside the box in taking coffee to his customers. He’s taken kind of a Mr Whippy approach!”
The COVID impact on his business
Marvin explained his situation as COVID started to have a big impact in March.
“Things really started to slow down as many of our regular customers (businesses) were reacting to the crisis with skeleton crews, so with less staff at each location, it was not as profitable to be there.”
The vans all have regular runs, like clock-work, and when customers at each workplace drop dramatically, that has a huge impact.
This really hit home for Marvin around Easter in early April.
“I got as low as serving just 20 coffees in a day, which is clearly not profitable.”
Turned to a facebook group for help
While having what he describes as a small social presence on Instagram and facebook, he came across a group on facebook called Central Coast Deliver To Me.
The amount of members in this group is over 20,000, compared to Marvin’s own local page of 100+.
“I checked it out and wondered if they’d want coffee delivered to them. So I sent out a single post.”
“Within 2 hours I had over 100 replies and people asking me to go to different areas, even beyond my existing run pre-COVID!”

“So with that single post, I went from 20 coffees served in a day, to around 200 in a day. A little while after, it slowed again to 70 a day, then I posted again and went straight back up to 200!”
The whole exercise has been quite transformative for Marvin’s business.
“Not only have I added repeat customers for this period, but new ones, as well as many giving pre-orders and food orders. Basically, I’ve kind of turned into a food delivery system as well.”
“I’ve also more than doubled my own facebook group member page over a 2-week period, and since then I haven’t needed to post again in the Central Coast Deliver To Me group.”

Handling the surge in customers
Handling all these extra customers and requests has been handled largely with technology.
“I put in a minimum spend requirement of $10. People submit their order requests, and once I have a base of customers for the day in addition to my normal run, I put all the addresses into google maps which gives me the most efficient delivery run in the area. I’m able to give rough times as well.”
“I set up on arrival and the majority of customers come out to me. For some I drop the coffee’s at the door and they pay me online.”
Marvin has decided to look at the crisis period in a positive way, “If you can trade, there is a lot of potential. And coffee is a simple business, so I’ve made sure I’ve kept it simple.”