Price Attack franchise business store tour

Did you know in a Price Attack franchise business, you have two key components: retail, and hair salon services?

BUT, you can also just be an investor with no hair experience, which surprises a lot of people.

We recently went on a tour of their new 2022 latest store design...

The Tour (in text)

“Welcome to Price Attack. This is Price Attack Brookside, and it's one of the latest in their 2022 designs and store fit outs that they've invited us to take a tour inside today. 

The Price Attack brand, if you didn't know, has been around for about 30 years since the eighties and has been growing in the Australian market. 

You probably would've seen a lot of them in Queensland, if you're Queensland base, and Victoria and New South Wales and the rest of the country, they're expanding through those locations as well right now. 

So we're going to take a bit of a look inside to see what it's all about this new design. Let's go take a look.

Two income streams

Now, an interesting thing for the Price Attack brand that we're now inside from a business investment perspective as a franchise partner, there is a dual income stream business. 

So you have hair products and consumables that you see right now, which is more the retail component, but you also have the hair dressing, hair salon on component of the business as well to give you two streams of income.

Retail consumables

Now, further breaking down the retail component is you have basically these broad categories of international known brands that you would know. Price Attack (has) also got its home brand, which is its own brand of products. 

It also has a wide range in hair colouring as well in hair colouring products and also hair brushes, consumables, and everything that goes with that. So we'll be taking a bit of a look through that right now.

Electrical hair care retail products

Now, another section I wanted to show you on the retail shop floor of a Price Attack business is the electrical appliance that are hair related. So I think hair dryers, cooling wands, and the like. 

Obviously, I don't use any of them, but if you take a look, they've got a lot of the major brands you see there and they certainly pitch that they have a broad price range to fit everyone's requirements there. 

Obviously, the high end stuff and also stuff which are more in the lower end range of pricing. So there's all different types of appliances here and this just adds to the broader retail offer for people when it's all related to hair care in a Price Attack business.

Hair salon

Now, here is the second key component of the income streams for a Price Attack business, the hair salon as you can see behind me. 

Now, the Price Attack people tell me it's a common misconception that you need to be a hairdresser to be a Price Attack franchisee, and it's not the case at all. 

You can certainly be an investor and hire hairdressers and people qualify to do the hair salon on part component to your business, and you've got the retail component as well. So it's quite a flexible business there and they've got franchisees who do both. So there's plenty of flexibility there.

Now, you can see, you wonder why it might be empty behind us here. What we're doing with this is demonstrating, apart from being easy to film, we're also demonstrating the fact that what they do is they push their appointments to the time when their staff are coming in. 

So they employ their hair salon staff while their retail staff run the business through the early morning of the day and through into the afternoon. 

Later on this afternoon, obviously the hair salon staff are arriving and they've got all their appointments booked in there. So it shows the flexibility of the business and particularly running the hair salon and the retail component together at the same time.

Point of sale

Now, the final section I wanted to show you in the Price Attack business was the point of sale system. This area for Price Attack obviously manages the retail component and the hair salon component, so it's a very integrated system, they tell me. 

You've got booking system for clients for hair products, and you've also got the consumables normal point of sale system as well. 

But the other thing it has is it integrates at a head office level with marketing regard to pricing and ticketing for products and consumables that you see on the floor as well, and they can print them off in store and get them out into the shelves.

Thank you for joining us today on this tour of this Price Attack store with their new look 2020 store here in Brookside in Brisbane. I hope you enjoyed the tour and got a lot out of it. 

And if you'd like for some information on a Price Attack franchise business and going forward with them, please do contact Price Attack direct, or of course you can chat with us here on franchise buyer. Take care until we talk soon."

Contact Price Attack HERE